Friday, December 10, 2010

Module 6

In this module I learned about problems you could have on you computer when down loading things, such as applications or just looking at a web page. I also really did not understand the concept of phishing.
I have enjoyed this module in learning more about electronic health records and how they can be used. I was not aware that a patient can have connections with his or her healthcare provider and access to their health records via electronic devices, such as PDA or cell phones.

1 comment:

Seraphine said...

Hi Cindy,
Often criminals who want to steal peoples passwords, usernames and cerditcard information over the internet will setup websites that seem legitimate but they are not. For example, let's say you bank with Bank of America and you sometimes go online to access your account. A criminal setups up a fake website that looks very similar to that of Bank of America, so when you google "Bank of America" the website comes up and you proceed to enter your username and password, but your account does not come up, you get some error website or message and the criminals now have your user name and password. This is what constitutes Phishing. If you look at the web addresses of these fake websites you may notice that they are somewhat different from the legitimate websites.

This is why it is important to check the web address of the websites that come for important websites such as credit cards and banks. It's always better to type in the web address if you know it than google.

I have enjoyed reading your posts. Happy holidays!